Oregon Youth Amateur Radio Club

Support the Club

OYARC membership is completely free of charge, which means our income is limited by donations. Your contributions help us continue OYARC, and allow us to do field events which would be impossible without your help. You can donate equipment or make a cash donation. Donations above $50 or depending on the type of equipment donated will be added to our Wall of Donors list below.

Donate Equipment

If you have equipment you'd like to donate, please reach out to the Club President via email.


Make a Cash Donation

Support us financially by sending a donation through Venmo. Make sure to include your callsign! Donations over $50 are put on the wall of donors.

Donate via Venmo

Wall of Donors

Thank you to our generous donors who have contributed equipment or $50 or more to our club!

Callsign Name Date Donated Amount Donated
N0CALL John Doe 2025-02-11 $100